Oosterhout/Ahrensburg, 八月 2014 - Two specialists in the field of print automation have joined forces to launch the latest innovation in quality automation, soon to be on display for the first time at WAN-IFRA’s World Publishing Expo 2014 in Amsterdam!

Rotary print to reap the benefits!

The precursor had already been presented by Q.I. Press Controls at DRUPA 2012: the orange-coloured, dual-sensor mRC-3D camera system. At the time, the system was cryptically described as ‘offering a diversity of potential benefits’. These have now been embodied in the new IDS-3D camera system!
The IDS-3D looks like and is positioned on rotary presses in the same way as the mRC-3D. However, the difference is under the “bonnet” and it can be identified by its blue exterior.

EAE’s takeover by the owners of Q.I. Press Controls’ has enabled developers in both companies to combine the best of both worlds and produce one full-colour print quality control and regulation system. Algorithms for the LOOP and IDS, for example, were implemented in a single new system: IDS-3D. All functions are now executed with combined intelligence on full-colour print lines, without the need for any printed bars, strips or markings!

IDS-3D also incorporates the same tried-and-tested automatic cleaning system as the mRC-3D. A cassette with a film in front of the lens ensures proper functioning of the system at all times. The camera is able to see whether the film has been smudged and cleans this whenever required.

The launch of IDS-3D means that the market now has its own unique ‘all-in-one’ system. The very same dual-sensor IDS-3D camera has built-in process algorithms to ensure simultaneous closed-loop corrections, such as:

– Optimisation of the CMYK colour register, front-to-back register, unit2unit register and likewise the cocking register for heatset rotation presses.
– Optimisation of colours in compliance with ISO 12647-3 and/or ISO 12647-2 by controlling the ink keys, including water balance optimisation.
– Immediate recognition and signalling of incorrectly positioned print plates and irregularities and/or printing errors in relation to the virtual TIFF image and/or approved print.

The first orders for this high-efficiency, closed-loop, all-in-one quality control system have already been placed.

The IDS-3D camera signals the end for previous systems, which used different types of cameras for different functions on rotary presses. As from now there is a single solution for everything: IDS-3D. It’s also an extremely beneficial solution for retrofit upgrades for tasks sometimes carried out manually on rotary presses, such as colour corrections and fountain solution control.

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IDS-3D camera

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