Acquisition of 3TControl Precision Systems
QIPC-EAE acquired 3TControl, a Spanish company specialising in closed-loop colour register and density control systems. This acquisition represents a 100% share purchase deal, marking a significant milestone in QIPC-EAE's strategic growth and market consolidation efforts.

25 year jubilee
Since the start in 1996, operating from a garage box, QIPC has grown to an internationally operating organisation with a worldwide network of offices and agencies. The continuous motivation to innovate and listen to customers' needs has driven QIPC to an absolute number one position in the newspaper industry. The spirit of 25 years ago has certainly not disappeared and this can be seen in the growth in the intra-logistics market.

Largest order IDS-3D in USA
QIPC acquires its largest order for closed loop colour control in the USA. 64 IDS-3D camera's to control colour, register and damp.

100% defect detection
The Enhanced Print Fault Detection is able to scan 100% of the image during production. Meaning no defect will stay undetected.

Founding of the company EAE-Solutions in the Netherlands as new division in the QIPC-EAE group

Smart presettings: In addition to the ink keys, also
regulating the amount of damp based on self-learning software eg. giving more
control over start-ups.
Integration IDS in EAE
Desk7: The
control of multiple press sections with just one desk or from a mobile platform

Introduction IDS-3D at WPE 2014: a unique integration
of register- and colour density control in one single camera resulting
in reduction of supplies, waste and labour.

Purchase business and assets EAE,
leading supplier of controls, automation solutions and software for newspaper printers.

Introduction ABD II. As a result of new air nozzle design the ABD II is even more effective and much more energy efficient

Introduction mRC-3D.
Successor of the mRC+ register control system now equipped with double sensors and automatic self-cleaning for even more efficiency and quality in the printing process

New features IDS: Fault detection and water control
File date Patent Automatic Cleaning
File date Patent 3D Technology
Second office in India. The number of existing customers and the expected further growth in the South of India have made the organisation decide to open an additional office in Bangalore for a better local approach in sales and service.

Office Malaysia. Following the philosophy to be present at strategic locations worldwide Q.I. Press Controls opens a new office in Malaysia.

100 systems sold in India in 4 years. A milestone that marks the growth the Indian office has realized in the last two years. It shows the confidence of the Indian market in the benefits Q.I. Pres Controls' systems offer.
File date Patent
Fold Positioning
Introduction mRC+
Successor of the IRS register control system. The new mRC+ significantly reduces more waste, improves print quality and requires no maintenance. The mRC+ is a perfect example of the QIPC philosophy: when providing the customer with the best products, services and technology, they won't notice our presence. The operation, planning, print and quality control, will all run as expected and on time.

Introduction I AM… concept. The idea behind this is that Q.I. Press Controls' organisation is a team of unique individuals. Every member of this team is a professional, talented individual, committed to the company and its clients. "I am" emphasizes the focus on dedication, cooperation and new, revolutionary solutions incorporating these personal skills. In short, it means that everybody within the Q.I. Press Controls Company is a business partner for the customer:
"I am present".

Office Latin America. As Brazil is one of the largest markets for graphic communication in Latin America, Q.I. Press Controls opened a local office. The tenth office!

Q.I. Press Controls takes over Airprint. Airprint is specialised in high-tech equipment for fan-out correction on web-offset presses. As a result of this take-over Q.I. Press Controls' product portfolio expanded with the Air Bustle Device, which will be integrated in the existing closed-loop systems.

Awarded Deloitte & Touch award "Fast 50". 43rd place of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in the Netherlands
Introduction "True Colours". Q.I. Press Controls has managed - as the only company in the world - to adjust and monitor real colours on fast web presses on the basis of TIFF-files, without colour bars or marks having to be printed as part of this process. Colour bars have now become a thing of the past!

10- Year anniversary and extension of new building. On Friday February 3rd the councilor from Oosterhout, mr. Yves de Boer symbolically opened the new establishment at Everdenberg 26 in Oosterhout together with Menno Jansen en Erik van Holten, the two Chairmen of Q.I. Press Controls.

Awarded Deloitte & Touch award "Fast 50". 18th place of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in the Netherlands.
Awarded Deloitte & Touch award "2004 Technology Fast 500 EMEA Ranking". 123th place of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in Europe, Middle East and South Africa.
Awarded Deloitte & Touch award "Fast 50". 13th place of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in the Netherlands.
Awarded Deloitte & Touch award "2004 Technology Fast 500 EMEA Ranking". 153rd place of the 500 fastest growing technology companies in Europe, Middle East and South Africa.
Awarded "Economy prize 2004". An award for being most successful in linking product and market innovation.
IDS (Intelligent Density System)
Office India.
To meet the significant and growing market in India.

File date Patent Color & Quality
Office China to build up the 'Tiger triangle' (China & Taiwan, Korea and Hong Kong)

File date Patent
Greybar controls
Opening of brand new building Q.I. Press Controls Head office at the Everdenberg 26 in Oosterhout, The Netherlands

Introduction IQM
(Intelligent Quality Management system)

First sale of IRS to Janssen Pers, Gennep The Netherlands. On a KBA C30 press.
Introduction IRS (Intelligent Register System).

Moved to Business Centre Oosterhout, Beneluxweg.

File date Patent CombinedRegister IRS.

Foundation of Q.I. Press Controls by Erik van Holten and Menno Jansen in 1996. Like most innovative companies Q.I. Press Controls also started in the garage of Erik van Holten.