Q.I. Press Controls excede em muito o desempenho garantido na Salomon

julho 2023

- A Salomon d.o.o. em Ljubljana Polje, uma das principais gráficas da Eslovênia no mercado de impressão offset rotativa, acaba de concluir com sucesso o comissionamento da atualização do QIPC em sua impressora KBA Colora. Os bons resultados do investimento de 2022 em automação de controle de impressão da EAE Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE), a empresa irmã da Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), tornaram o investimento adicional mais do que lógico
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A Jomagar Roto Offset encontra um parceiro de qualidade na Q.I. Press Controls

junho 2023

– No ano passado, a gráfica heatset espanhola Jomagar Roto Offset comprou mais uma impressora Komori System 38D. Essa impressora permitirá que eles aumentem sua capacidade de produção interna, que antes era terceirizada. Como a impressora Komori já estava equipada com as soluções da Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), a QIPC realizou um projeto de atualização na plataforma existente, incluindo a renovação do controle de cores IDS para IDS-3D.
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- Article GXpress - A sure hand delivering reliability, productivity and quality

junho 2023

- As the world’s largest English-language newspaper, everything about the Times of India comes with scale… including the potential for savings. That equation has contributed to a growing relationship with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and EAE, making them the technology partner of choice for a succession of important update projects. And against the context of higher newsprint and materials costs, and pressure on advertising and reader attention, quality and efficiency have become even more important. Thus a series of retrofit orders – achieved against intense competition – is important for the way in which each has added both stability and efficiencies through new levels of technology, notably QIPC’s ground-breaking colour automation.
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O Centro Stampa Quotidiani continua sua estratégia, equipando também nova prensa com Q.I. Press Controls

abril 2023

- Centro Stampa Quotidiani (CSQ) é o mais novo e maior centro de impressão da Itália. Eles recentemente acrescentaram uma impressora adicional ao seu inventário, uma GOSS UNIVERSAL 75. Esta maquina já estava equipada com o sistema de registro de cores Q.I. Press Controls' (QIPC) IRS. Agora também o sistema IDS será montado a fim de controlar a cor, agua e detecção de falhas em circuito fechado.
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Q.I. Press Controls' IDS-3D mais do que corresponde às expectativas para CH Media Print AG

janeiro 2023

– CH Media Print AG em St. Gallen (CH), decidiu investir no Q.I. Press Controls' (QIPC) IDS-3D para controle de cores e umidade. Seu foco principal era economizar em mão-de-obra, papel e tinta e agora que o sistema está em operação há seis meses, a CH Media Print AG pode certificar que todas as metas operacionais estabelecidas foram atingidas. A CH Media é uma das principais empresas suíças de mídia.
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Q.I. Press Controls achieves unequalled results at Druckerei Braunschweig

outubro 2022

– Funke Niedersachsen Druckzentrum GmbH in Braunschweig is one of the two printing centres operated by Funke Mediengruppe. The other is located in Hagen (central Germany). Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) embraced the challenge to participate in the project to modernise their existing manroland COLORMAN XXL. A project with unprecedented acceptance requirements in an extremely short lead time. QIPC once again proved itself more than worthy of the task.
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junho 2022

– O OÖN Druckzentrum, abreviação de Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, está no ponto de partida de um reequipamento abrangente. O Comandante da KBA que está em operação em seu local de Pasching fará uma revisão completa. O retrofit e atualização dos consoles de automação e controle da prensa serão gerenciados pela Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) e EAE Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE).
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Druckerei Konstanz continua encontrando segurança e continuidade no QIPC

março 2022

– Segurança e continuidade por muitos anos, é o que a Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), fornece à Druckerei Konstanz GmbH, uma empresa com sede em uma cidade com o mesmo nome no estado de Baden-Württemberg, no sudoeste da Alemanha. Por um lado, eles tiveram que considerar a idade avançada da eletrônica, as avarias acumuladas e as peças ultrapassadas que se tornaram obsoletas. Por outro lado, eles queriam que sua impressora durasse anos. Em resumo, o momento certo para atualizar as atuais soluções QIPC.
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Q.I Press Controls' IDS-3D estréia na Irlanda na Webprint

fevereiro 2022

- Webprint (Adenium Limited), a maior gráfica independente da Irlanda, é a primeira na Irlanda a instalar o controle de malha fechada Q.I. Press Controls' (QIPC). Em sua sede em Dublin, a QIPC equipará sua impressora de jornais Manroland GEOMAN com um pacote completo de automação. O investimento foi feito tanto do ponto de vista de custo quanto de qualidade. Experiências positivas anteriores com os comprovados sistemas de medição e controle ótico da QIPC em instalações diferentes também contribuíram para a decisão da Webprint Concepts Limited de escolher novamente a QIPC.
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manroland Goss and QIPC-EAE settle disputed copyright infringement cases

janeiro 2022

The leading suppliers of control and measurement systems for web-offset printing presses, manroland Goss and QIPC-EAE, jointly announce their mutual settlement of certain disputed copyright infringement cases.
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novembro 2021

TC Transcontinental é a maior gráfica do Canadá e uma das maiores da América do Norte. A instalação em Anjou (Montreal) Canadá, tem trabalhado com sucesso com os sistemas da QIPC desde 2009. Agora eles decidiram por uma atualização. Os atuais sistemas IDS & mRC+ instalados em sua impressora Manroland Colorman XXL serão substituídos por um pacote completo de automação da QIPC. A Transcontinental Transmag atingirá com isso sua visão de melhoria da eficiência e redução dos custos de fabricação, maximizando a qualidade de seus produtos.
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QIPC EAE India makes success entry in the ‘Rotary Press Market’

novembro 2021

Q.I. Press Controls- Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC EAE) India has put their first steps in a new segment, that of the ‘Rotary Presses Market’’. QIPC EAE India is pleased to introduce retrofit solutions for rotary presses. The newly developed and updated RIS 1000 series Remote Ink Control is the most advanced open fountain solution controls in the market today. It can be installed on the inking system of all different types of presses. QIPC EAE India can retrofit the existing ink system on the press. Their in-house development team can design custom fit solutions for each press profile.
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NDC, o maior jornal do norte da Holanda, faz parceria com Q.I. Press Controls para estabelecer novos padrões em eficiência e qualidade

junho 2021

– NDC Grafisch Bedrijf em Leeuwarden é a maior empresa gráfica e editora do norte da Holanda. Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), o especialista holandês em equipamentos de medição e controle para a indústria gráfica, fará o retrofit de sua impressora manroland GEOMAN, composta de 6 torres de impressão, com o pacote completo de automação. Com isto, a NDC Grafisch Bedrijf poderá economizar em matérias-primas e manter uma impressão estável e de ótima qualidade.
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O QIPC celebra 25 anos de jubileu com a cereja no bolo: Primeiro cliente, Janssen/Pers Rotatiedruk, faz novo pedido 25 anos após a data

maio 2021

- Q.I. Press Controls, o especialista holandês em soluções de automação para a indústria gráfica, comemora seu 25º jubileu. Desde o início, em 1996, operando a partir de uma garagem, a empresa cresceu para uma organização operacional internacional com uma rede mundial de escritórios e agências. Uma extensa base global de clientes conta com as soluções de automação de maquinas de impressão da QIPC para uma melhor qualidade e eficiência de impressão no dia-a-dia.
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DPG Media The Hague “goes” Closed-loop with Q.I. Press Controls

maio 2021

– DPG Media gave the order to automate their 6 tower KBA Commander press at their facility in The Hague, The Netherlands, with the full automation package of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the specialist for measurement and control systems for the printing industry. With this order all three Dutch print facilities of DPG Media will be fully automated by QIPC’s solutions. 
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Challenged by COVID-19 restrictions, Q.I. Press Controls successfully delivers at Yadanarmoe Printing House in Myanmar

abril 2021

– Q.I. Press Controls- Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) India has gained a firmer foodhold in the book printing market by successfully delivering the system at Yadanarmoe Printing House, Mandalay in Myanmar. In close cooperation with The Printers House, India (TPH) and their exclusive agent in Myanmar, Gensecon Myanmar Pvt. Ltd., QIPC-EAE equipped two Orient semi commercial presses with mRC-3D for colour register and integrated cut-off control.
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Le Matin continua confiando na automação de impressoras da Q.I. Press Controls

março 2021

- A gráfica do jornal marroquino Le Matin decidiu reinvestir nas soluções de automação de impressoras da Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). Desta vez, o especialista holandês em equipamentos de medição e controle para a indústria gráfica fornecerá o controle de cores de circuito fechado IDS-3D na impressora KBA Compacta 818 heatset.
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STEC ready for additional jobs with Performance Package from QIPC-EAE

fevereiro 2021

 - The Roman printshop of Società Tipografico Editrice Capitolina (STEC) is preparing for the extra orders she has received. The Performance Package from Q.I. Press Controls – Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) will ensure that the Goss Uniliner press, which will be in extra demand, will perform according to the standards that apply in the printing industry today.
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A T'Hooft opta pela economia com o controle de cores da Q.I. Press Controls

novembro 2020

- A gráfica T'Hooft, na Aalter-Bélgica, investiu na nova automação de máquina da Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). O especialista em sistemas de medição e controle para a indústria gráfica instalará o controle de cores em loop fechado IDS-3D na máquina Koenig & Bauer Compacta 818.
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Q.I. Press Controls installs 5 new installations

novembro 2020

– Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) received no less than 5 orders for new measurement and control systems from India in the past period. The Dutch specialist for the printing industry continues to be an important partner for many companies during the current crisis period. Jyoti Book Depot, Hexagon Print & Pack, Sristi Graphics, Spenta Multimedia and NAPH Graphics all call on QIPC-EAE to further optimise the operation of their systems.
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QIPC-EAE and Koenig & Bauer announce cooperation

outubro 2020

  • One-stop provider
  • Long-term cooperation
  • Initially in the German, Austrian and Swiss regions

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New York Times atualiza sua máquina com a automação da Q.I. Press Controls

setembro 2020

- Quase oito anos após ter começado a investigar sobre o controle de cores em malha fechada, o The New York Times (NYT) embarcou em grandes atualizações de máquina para implantar a tecnologia. A editora fez um acordo com a Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), sediada na Holanda, em maio para fornecer 64 câmeras IDS-3D para melhorar o controle de cores e registros em sete máquinas Goss Colorliner em sua fábrica de produção College Point. A fábrica abriga sete máquinas de dobras e inclui a Colorliner 85, editora instalada em 2008. Essa máquina tem 12 torres de cores e duas dobras, que a NYT opera como duas máquinas.
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Q.I. Press Controls installs mRC-3D at Gmähle Scheel Print-Medien

agosto 2020

- In reaction to the good results achieved with the existing press automation solution of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the printing company Gmähle Scheel Print Medien has now upgraded to mRC-3D. Gmähle Scheel Print Media is part of the Wurzel Medien Gruppe, a full service provider that delivers solutions for all media. The upgrade is for their web offset division in Schwabisch Hall.
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Walstead Leykam Tiskarna d.o.o. invests in closed-loop colour control of Q.I. Press Controls

agosto 2020

- The Walstead Leykam Tiskarna d.o.o. printing company in Hoče-Maribor invests in new press automation of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). The Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry supplies a new mRC-3D system for cut-off control and an IDS-3D system for colour control to modernise an existing press. At the print company itself, they speak of an 'anti-aging programme' for the press.
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Ordered, delivered, installed and commissioned during COVID-19; Jysk Fynske Medier upgrades with QIPC’s mRC-3D.

julho 2020

– All are experiencing different/difficult times since the breakout of COVID-19 end of last year. It requires vision, drive and flexibility, especially in these times, to continue to improve business operations. Jysk Fynske Medier, located in Struer Denmark, did just that by upgrading with Q.I. Press Controls’ (QIPC) mRC-3D for register and cut-off control on their KBA Comet newspaper press.
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Printing Branch relies on QIPC’s printing automation for the quality of printing

junho 2020

- Printing Branch, part of Gansu Daily Newspaper Group, has been using Q.I. Press Controls' (QIPC) automatic colour register system mRC-3D for over a year. The Chinese printing company is pleased with the speed, stability and efficiency gains that the automation of the Dutch specialist for the printing industry has yielded for their production process.
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Tuna Matbaacılık sticks to proven combination with Q.I. Press Controls

abril 2020

- Printing company Tuna Matbaacılık equips its recently acquired press with the latest automation of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). In this way, the Turkish printing company maintains the successful combination between the manroland UNISET 75 newspaper press and the QIPC automation the previous owner of the press in South Africa also used. The Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry installs its innovative mRC-3D system for colour register and cut-off control at the print shop in Ankara.

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março 2020

- Larry Macko will assume the role of Managing Director of QIPC-EAE Americas Ltd per April 1st. Ronald Reedijk will step down from his position and will work with Larry Macko during a transfer period until the end of April.
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New Q.I. Press Controls automation is obvious choice for Aschendorff Medien

março 2020

- The German printing company Aschendorff Medien once again opts for press automation from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). Satisfaction with the other K&B press with QIPC automation led to the obvious decision to also equip the new K&B press with the systems of the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry.
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Colombian newspaper Vanguardia Liberal opts for press automation of Q.I. Press Controls

março 2020

- The major Colombian newspaper Vanguardia Liberal is investing in press automation of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) for its recently acquired Goss Universal 50 press. The person in charge of the printing company mentions the integration in the control systems of QIPC's subsidiary Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE) as the main reason for joining forces with the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the print industry.
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Q.I. Press Controls is safe choice for Reiff Zeitungsdruck

fevereiro 2020

- Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) will equip the Koenig & Bauer (K&B) Commander press of Reiff Zeitungsdruck with new automation. The German regional printing company sees the Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry as a safe choice for the future. "QIPC is known to be stable and reliable".
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Mainpost is convinced by the press automation results of Q.I. Press Controls

fevereiro 2020

- The printing company of the German newspaper Mainpost is expanding its press automation with the systems of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) in response to earlier convincing results. The mRC-3D and IDS-3D systems of the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry will be installed in Würzburg, in central Germany. The QIPC systems will make the press more reliable, efficient and of higher quality.
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Indian printers see best automation solution in Q.I. Press Controls

fevereiro 2020

- Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the print industry, continues to do well in India. Recently, the company again received three orders for the replacement of automation systems from the Asian country. This from the printing companies Hindustan Times Media, Mirror Image and Delhi Press Patra Prakashan.
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Q.I. Press Controls dá os primeiros passos no mercado de Heatsets finlandês com a encomenda de PunaMusta Oy

fevereiro 2020

- A gráfica finlandesa PunaMusta Oy será a primeira gráfica de heatset do país com automação da Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). O especialista holandês em equipamentos de medição e controle para a indústria gráfica fornece à PunaMusta Oy o controle de cores em circuito fechado, incluindo o controle de registro e corte. "Uma grande oportunidade para provar à PunaMusta Oy e a outras impressoras heatset na região nórdica".

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Cellesche Zeitung continues with Q.I. Press Controls

janeiro 2020

- Cellesche Zeitung is using the necessary update of its Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) automation systems to further intensify its collaboration with the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry. The local German newspaper will further enhance the automation of their press. "It was logical for us to choose QIPC automation again."
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QIPC-EAE fornece novamente automação para o Shanghai United Media Group

janeiro 2020

- O Shanghai United Media Group pode continuar a contar com a automação de máquina da Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) e EAE Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE) no futuro. O grupo de mídia chinês, um dos maiores do país, está atualizando sua automação QIPC existente com um novo sistema de controle de registro de cores mRC-3D. O sistema de controle do EAE também será atualizado. "O mercado chinês continua a ser de grande importância para nós".

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A Kroonpress escolhe a nova automação de máquinas impressoras da Q.I. Press Controls

dezembro 2019

- A empresa de impressão estoniana Kroonpress equipou sua impressora termográfica Goss M600 com Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) automação de impressoras. A Kroonpress está preparando a impressora recentemente adquirida para o futuro. Eles querem manter a M600 em uso por mais 10 anos. "Acreditamos que o QIPC fornece as soluções mais modernas para nossas necessidades específicas".

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Q.I. Press Controls offers Tamedia Lausanne security and continuity

novembro 2019

 - A state-of-the-art, innovative cut-off control system that will continue to be supported in the coming years. That is what Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist for measurement and control systems for the printing industry, supplies to the Swiss printing company Centre d'Impression Lausanne, part of the Tamedia group. The printing company had a cut-off control system from the press manufacturer, but this is no longer supported.
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Newest tower Telegraaf Media Group equipped with Q.I. Press Controls automation

novembro 2019

- The press extension at the Telegraaf Media Groep (TMG) printing facility in Amsterdam is accompanied by an additional automation system from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). Now, the entire TMG printing facility remains equipped with the measurement and control systems of the Dutch specialist for the printing industry. In addition, QIPC's Smart Pre-setting software will be introduced on all production lines. This can result in considerable extra start-up savings.
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Market leader north Bengal reaffirms confidence in Q.I. Press Controls

novembro 2019

- The collaboration between the printing company of the daily paper Uttar Banga Sambad and Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry, will be further intensified. Uttar Banga Sambad, the largest newspaper in the northern region of West Bengal in India, is investing in automatic colour register control
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Q.I. Press Controls now expands to Newsquest Glasgow after Oxford

novembro 2019

- Now the installation at the Newsquest printing site in Oxford has reached the forecasted results, the British media group, owned by the American company Gannett, is investing again in measurement and control equipment of Q.I. Press Controls. In conjunction with press manufacturer Koenig & Bauer (K&B), automatic cut-off and colour-register and closed-loop colour- and damp control are being installed at the Glasgow site.
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Q.I. Press Controls commits to automatic colour control KBA Cortina press

outubro 2019

- Automated colour control on a waterless Koenig & Bauer (K&B) Cortina press seemed like future music for the time being. But K&B and Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), together with Coldset Printing Partners, have started a project to integrate the IDS-3D system for automatic colour control in the already highly sophisticated press. During the K&B Cortina User Workshop on Wednesday 25 September, QIPC presented the revolutionary system and the first results at the Coldset Printing Partners printing facility in Paal-Beringen, Belgium.
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Tailored solution of Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics prepares La Nouvelle République for the future

setembro 2019

-  La Nouvelle République du Centre Ouest will be the third newspaper printing house in France to use closed-loop colour control from Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). QIPC-EAE, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control technology for the printing industry, will install a Performance Package at the print shop in Tours.
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Performance Package prepares Persgroep print shop in Best for the future

setembro 2019

– In the footsteps of the Amsterdam branch, the print shop of Persgroep Printing in Best will also have access to the measurement and control systems of Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). The 3 WIFAG Evolution OF 375S presses at the print shop in the southeast of the Netherlands, near Eindhoven, will receive a full retrofit thanks to this Performance Package. 
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QIPC-EAE presents Smart Pre-setting system and multi-sectional control at WPE 2019

agosto 2019

- Want to know all about Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) smart ink key and damp pre-setting system? Or learn how Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE)'s innovative multi-sectional control allows you to operate your press with a single desk instead of 4? Then visit the World Publishing Expo 2019 (WPE) at the QIPC-EAE booth.
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QIPC-EAE and The Siebold Company join forces in North America and the Caribbean

maio 2019

- Effective immediately, The Siebold Company (TSC) is the authorised agency of QIPC-EAE in the United States, the Caribbean and Canada. The Dutch specialist for color control and registration equipment for the printing industry praises the technical knowledge of the new partner. TSC in turn is full of praise for QIPC's state-of-the-art and register control systems and EAE's press control systems.
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DDV Druck GmbH, Dresden, escolheu o Pacote de Desempenho QIPC-EAE

abril 2019

 - Mais cedo ou mais tarde na vida de uma maquina impressora, o tempo está chega: atualizar com modernos sistemas de controle e automação traz de volta a confiabilidade de produção necessária e melhora a produtividade, eficiência e qualidade do produto. A DDV Druck GmbH, uma empresa do DDV Mediengruppe, Dresden, encomendou um Performance Package da QIPC-EAE mais abrangente à Engineering Automation Electronics GmbH (EAE) para modernizar a sua linha de impressão de jornais.
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QIPC achieves ‘important hit’ with new order Times of India

abril 2019

- Rakesh Dave, managing director of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), did not shy away from the big words after winning a new order from Times of India. He spoke of "one of the most important hits in India". The Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry is allowed to automate the manroland REGIOMAN press in Bangalore of the leading Times of India group again. QIPC also announces new orders from Malayala Manorama and The Printers House.  
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Q.I. Press Controls closes PrintPack India with two new partners

abril 2019

- PrintPack India delivered Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) two new users of its innovative measuring and control equipment for the printing industry. Two existing partners also chose to intensify their cooperation with the Dutch supplier. During the exhibition for the Indian printing and packaging industry, the Dutch supplier received orders from Uchitha Graphics Printers, Lovely Offset Printers, Quarterfold Printabilities and Navneet Education Limited.
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Pande Graphic Equipments new agent QIPC-EAE in China

março 2019

– As from February this year QIPC-EAE is to be represented in China by Pande Graphic Equipments Co. Ltd. Pande Graphic Equipments already has many established post-press equipment manufacturers in their portfolio, such as Gämmerler, Mosca, Planatol Sytems and Affeldt Maschinenbau. The high quality optical measurement and control systems of QIPC and the control, automation and software solutions of EAE, make a valuable addition. Therefore both sides have great expectations of this new collaboration.
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New WE-Druck press equipped with QIPC automation

março 2019

- The German printer WE-Druck invested in a new Koenig & Bauer press at the end of 2018. When the press will be put into operation in the summer of 2019, the Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) automation systems will provide it with the most modern measuring and control equipment.
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Società editrice Sud gets first Goss China press with QIPC colour register and cut-off control

março 2019

- A new press from Goss China, equipped with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) automation, means that Società Editrice Sud will continue to deliver top quality printing in the future. The collaboration between press manufacturer Goss China and QIPC, the Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry, is a first in terms of the equipment that will be used.
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A Q.I. Press Controls fornece automação para a base da Sanoma

fevereiro 2019

- As duas impressoras Sanoma na Finlândia são otimizadas com os sistemas da Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). A QIPC-EAE, a especialista holandesa em equipamentos de medição e controle para a indústria gráfica, ajuda as empresas de impressão da gigante da mídia Sanoma a trabalhar de forma mais eficiente.
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Indian press manufacturers rely on Q.I. Press Controls for the best configuration of their presses

dezembro 2018

- When a printing company invests in another press, the degree of automation is one of the most important components to take into account. Indian press manufacturers Ronald Web Offset and Prakash Offset supply state-of-the-art machines, tailored to each printing company. Both are currently building up a number of new presses, to be used in several countries. For the measuring and control equipment on the presses, they count on another innovative company: Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) from the Netherlands.
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O recurso Smart Pre-setting da Q.I. Press Controls rejuvenesce impressoras mais antigas

outubro 2018

– Um novo recurso Smart Pre-setting da QIPC-EAE está cumprindo a promessa de promover uma economia extra entre 150 a 200 cópias a cada impressão.Este é o projeto mais recente de uma empresa que já tem a forte reputação de recuperar impressoras e transformá-las em máquinas modernas novamente.
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Q.I. Press Controls further expands activities in India

outubro 2018

- Kalptaru Offset, Natraj Print House, Saraswati Press, Hexagon Print & Pack and Sanat Printers are five new Indian partners with whom Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) will collaborate. The Dutch specialist in measuring and control equipment for the printing industry supplies Indian printers with various mRC-3D systems for colour register control.
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Automation of existing newspaper presses with Q.I. Press Controls

setembro 2018

- Q.I. Press Controls will upgrade presses at Tamedia printing centres with IDS-3D systems for closed-loop colour control and other control functionsAutomation of existing newspaper presses with  Q.I. Press Controls .
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QIPC-EAE continues agency for Sweden and Denmark with JS Graphic House

setembro 2018

 - As from August this year QIPC-EAE is to be represented in Sweden and Denmark by JS Graphic House. Although it is a new company name in the industry, it certainly is not a new face. Being active in the printing industry for many years, Jarl Söderqvist, Managing Director of JS Graphic House, knows the Swedish and Danish market as no other. Therefore both sides have great expectations of this new collaboration.
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mRC-3D-systeem finds its way to Indian printer and press builder

agosto 2018

  – The innovative mRC-3D-system of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) helps printers worldwide to realise savings in waste and to make the life of their employees more easy.  QIPC, the Dutch specialist in measure- and control equipment, recently received an order from the Indian printer Pudhari Publications in Kolhapur, that will use the mRC-3D-systeem in their own printing plant and from Sigmarq Technologies, an Indian press builder, who will install the mRC-3D-system on a press that’s been build up in Kenya.
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Q.I. Press Controls enters into Serbian collaboration

agosto 2018

 - The Serbia-based printing concern of Color Press Group is to install automation systems from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) on its presses. The heatset printer is investing in the mRC-3D system for colour register and cut-off control supplied by the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry. “Excellent references, flexibility and a willingness on its part to meet our specific requirements were what clinched it for us.”
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Druckhaus Ulm-Oberschwaben further automates production with QIPC

julho 2018

 – In 2014, printers Druckhaus Ulm-Oberschwaben (DUO) completed a comprehensive renewal programme, having invested in four COLORMAN autoprints from Manroland. The very next year saw the start of the search for a reliable and innovative solution for colour density control, which DUO has now found in the shape of the IDS-3D system from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC).
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Printall AS intensifies partnership with Q.I. Press Controls

julho 2018

– The Estonian-based printing concern Printall AS is set to intensify its collaboration with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry. The Koenig & Bauer Compacta heatset printing press in its Tallinn plant is to be equipped with a new automation system supplied by QIPC. “This new system from QIPC will be quicker and more reliable than our current automation system.”  
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Prensa Libre won over by positive references for Q.I. Press Controls automation

junho 2018

 - Soon, Prensa Libre, the reference newspaper in Guatemala, will be printed with the aid of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). The plant which is responsible for printing the paper has decided to invest in the mRC-3D system for colour register and cut-off control for their recently purchased manroland UNISET press. Thanks to the new system, Prensa Libre expects to see greater efficiency, less paper waste and quality improvements.
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A parceria entre a Q.I. Press Controls e a Coldset Printing Partners se intensifica e renova

junho 2018

 – A longa parceria entre a Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) e a empresa belga Coldset Printing Partners remonta a 2009. Em virtude do sucesso dessa parceria, as duas empresas querem agora intensificar a cooperação. A Coldset Printing Partners está trabalhando intensamente para a modernização de seu parque gráfico em Paal-Beringen e a QIPC tem um grande papel a desempenhar na automação, tanto de suas impressoras atuais quanto das recém-adquiridas.
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Kaleva Oy (Finland) impressed by QIPC’s smart presetting and dampening control

junho 2018

– The Finnish-based printing concern Kaleva Oy is to join forces with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry. The biggest newspaper concern in the north of Finland is to invest in the IDS-3D system for automatic colour and register control on its manroland COLORMAN Autoprint press. Kaleva Oy has great expectations of the dampening control and smart presetting functions.
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O projeto de retrofit da Mediaprint encontra excelente interesse na indústria

maio 2018

- Uma das maiores gráficas de jornais da Europa está se preparando para o futuro com a tecnologia da Q.I. Press Controls e da EAE. Nos últimos dois anos, a indústria de jornais tem seguido de perto o projeto de retrofit da Mediaprint em Viena. Lá, foram instalados os novos sistemas de controle de qualidade da QIPC, pois Koenig & Bauer realizou um amplo retrofit mecânico e a EAE reformulou toda a arquitetura de software e componentes eletrônicos de controle. Mais de 30 gráficas para a impressão de jornais de oito países diferentes foram convidadas para visitar Viena e ver de perto o maior projeto de retrofit que a EAE já realizou em sua história.
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Q.I. Press Controls completes register system retrofit in the UAE

março 2018

– Whereas the printing industry in other parts of the world has increasingly been discovering the merits of retrofitting, in the United Arab Emirates this is not yet part of daily practice. The process, which involves the installation of state-of-the art innovations in the field of automation technology on existing printing presses, still has to win over popularity in the region. Gulf News was the first printing concern in the UAE to decide on having its register system retrofitted.
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Newsquest forges its future with Q.I. Press Controls

fevereiro 2018

- UK-based media group Newsquest is set to upgrade the automation systems in its Oxford print plant. Aiming to make significant savings in waste, at the same time as improving the quality of the end-product, Newsquest has decided to install the latest systems from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the web-offset market. Once this retrofit project has been successfully put through its paces in Oxford, it will be rolled out at other Newsquest sites.
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A Lidergraf realiza um investimento significativo em equipamentos de automação de impressão da Q.I. Press Controls

fevereiro 2018

- Lidergraf, a empresa gráfica portuguesa, começou recentemente a utilizar os sistemas de medição e controle de impressão da Q.I. Press Controls. Em 2017, a especialista holandesa em automação de impressão entregou seus sistemas inovadores e altamente elogiados mRC-3D, IDS-3D e IQM para a Lidergraf, uma das principais gráficas de Portugal. "Esperamos fazer uso intensivo do sistema IQM, para otimizarmos ainda mais o desempenho".
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Deal with Arta Taraz Niavaran gives Q.I. Press Controls and EAE foothold in Iran

janeiro 2018

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in optical measurement and control systems for the printing industry, has found a new partner in the Iran-based printing concern of Arta Taraz Niavaran. Its owner, Babak Soukhakian is to represent QIPC and EAE in the up-and-coming Iranian market.
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QIPC continues to expand in India

janeiro 2018

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) continues to thrive on the Indian print market. The Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the web offset market recently received five new orders from printing concerns in the Kolkata region of West Bengal: CDC Printers; Sristi Graphic (two separate orders); Darpan Conclave; and NAP Printers. A sixth order was placed by Bhiwandi-based Print Plus. “It is a promising sign that existing clients are satisfied with our products and services.” 
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Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics once again teams up with Mecaprint S.L.

janeiro 2018

– As from this year, Q.I. Press Controls – Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) is to be represented in Spain by Mecaprint S.L. Owned by Raúl Barredo Sabando, Mecaprint knows the Spanish and South American markets and QIPC-EAE products like no other. Both parties expect the collaboration to bring about a significant growth on the Spanish market. 
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QIPC-EAE Performance Package destined for Saudi Arabia

novembro 2017

– Earlier this year, Saudi-based Al Madina Printing & Publishing Co. started using automation systems installed by Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC - EAE). Its printing plant - located in Jeddah - placed an order for a Performance Package with the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry. Al Madina is thus able to take full advantage of QIPC’s takeover of EAE. The systems help bring about increased production reliability for Al Medina Printing & Publishing Co., as well as halving its output of waste.
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Amar Ujala Publications prepares for the future

novembro 2017

– One of India’s leading media concerns, Amar Ujala Publications, has been busy getting its printing plants ready for the future. The last year has seen Amar Ujala Publications investing in at least ten automation systems produced by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC-EAE). As a result, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry has seen a significant rise in its share on the Indian market.
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New QIPC automation system in EDS Group printing plant in Romania

novembro 2017

- Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) recently installed a new automation system on a printing press owned by the EDS Group in Brasov, Romania. The order was signed in February and the press has already been running smoothly and efficiently for a number of months. 
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A FIG (Coimbra) vai usar a tecnologia de automação da QIPC devido às frequentes mudanças na produção

setembro 2017

– A gráfica portuguesa FIG encomendou um sistema de registro de cor automático da especialista holandesa em sistema de controle e medição da indústria gráfica: a Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). O sistema será instalado em uma impressora Goss Community de 2011, que foi adquirida recentemente pela FIG. 
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QIPC-EAE expõe na World Publishing Expo em Berlin

agosto 2017

– Mais um vez, Berlim sedia a World Publishing Expo (WPE) que acontecerá na capital alemã, de 10 a 12 de outubro deste ano. A feira de negócios é a principal exposição voltada para empresas que desejam exibir seus produtos e serviços de mídia escrita e impressa, online e offline. Nem precisa dizer que a Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) terá seu estande próprio na feira. Entre outras coisas, a especialista holandesa em sistemas de medição e controle para a indústria gráfica demonstrará a Desk 7 da EAE com controles integrados ao sistema IDS-3D da QIPC.
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QIPC-EAE given major confidence boost by D B Corp Ltd.

agosto 2017

– Over the last year, India-based printing concern D B Corp Ltd. (Dainik Bhaskar), having dailies in 3 languages, has placed no fewer than five different orders with Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). Various printing presses in Aurangabad, Bhopal (two orders), Noida and Shivdaspura have been fitted out with systems from QIPC-EAE, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment. “We’re delighted with the technical support from QIPC-EAE,” was the resounding verdict. “And we’re already looking forward to intensifying our partnership in the future.”
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Q.I. Press Controls and The Printers House celebrate successful long-standing partnership

julho 2017

– For fifteen years that Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE) has been active in India, The Printers House (TPH) has been one of its most highly valued partners. QIPC-EAE, specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, and TPH, an Indian constructor of printing presses, recently celebrated this long-stranding partnership. To mark the occasion, TPH was presented with a commemorative figure by QIPC-EAE.
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Newsprinters UK and QIPC dialogue paves way for fresh innovation

maio 2017

- Collaboration between the UK-based printer Newsprinters UK and the Dutch specialist in automation systems for the printing industry, Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), is progressing nicely. In the wake of a huge order from Newsprinters in 2014, both parties are now reflecting on almost three years of successful cooperation and looking forward to a bright new future.
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Druckhaus WITTICH KG automates two presses with the aid of Q.I. Press Controls

maio 2017

– The German printing company, Druckhaus WITTICH KG, has decided to have two of its presses upgraded using automation systems provided by the Dutch specialist in optical measurement and control systems for the printing industry, Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). The two companies are no strangers to collaboration: Druckhaus WITTICH KG has other presses already fitted with QIPC automation systems. The latest upgrades entail one press which is making the changeover to QIPC, whilst the other is to receive a replacement for an older QIPC system.
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The Buffalo News intensifies collaboration with Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics

maio 2017

– Following in the wake of Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE), Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) is now to enter into a partnership with The Buffalo News Inc. The US-based printing concern, which already works with EAE’s control systems, has decided to invest in the IDS-3D system for colour register control from QIPC. It’s likely that company will take advantage of the possibilities for expansion that the IDS-3D system offers in the future.

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Q.I. Press Controls receives new order from Serbian Grafoprodukt

maio 2017

– The Serbian printing concern, Grafoprodukt, has decided to place a new order with the Dutch specialist in optical measurement and control systems for the printing industry, Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). Grafoprodukt is to install QIPC’s mRC-3D system for colour register and cut-off control on its Heidelberg Web 16 printing press. It’s not the first time the Serbian printers have come calling: “The previous QIPC system we’ve been using for ten years on another press has more than earned its spurs. We’re counting on the new system to give us the same kind of performance.”
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Italian Centro Stampa Quotidiani intensifies collaboration with Q.I. Press Controls

maio 2017

– The existing ten-year collaboration between Centro Stampa Quotidiani (CSQ) and Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) is about to be intensified. After having previously installed the IDS-3D system for automatic colour and dampening control on four towers of its WIFAG OF370GTD printing press, CSQ has now placed an order for the same system on a further five towers. “The new order reflects the huge level of confidence in the system.”
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Um marco nos pedidos feitos para a QIPC e a EAE

abril 2017

 - O grupo austríaco Mediaprint renova a confiança na parceria com a QIPC e a EAE para soluções em controle e automação
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SAP Print Solutions and Sahitya Mudranalaya both happy with their new QIPC systems

abril 2017

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, has recently installed two of its technologically advanced systems in two more Indian printing plants. Both SAP Print Solutions in Mumbai and Sahitya Mudranalaya in Ahmedabad are extremely satisfied now that they have seen the systems up and running over the last few months. SAP has even placed a new order.
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Feliz 21 anos! Atualizações NZME para atender às necessidades de uma indústria modificada

abril 2017

Um grande pedido para renovar e automatizar o controle de cores em uma impressora de jornais de 21 anos de idade no "outro lado do mundo" é muito especial para a Q.I. Press Controls por duas razões. Primeiro, este é um cenário clássico de uma empresa antiga, criada numa época em que a imprensa reinava – e principalmente para imprimir um único produto, carro-chefe da empresa – que acabou responsável pela produção de uma variedade de publicações com grande demanda e prazos mais curtos, após a consolidação da indústria. Segundo, há uma vantagem pessoal para o diretor da QIPC Menno Jansen ao entregar um sistema muito melhor com o qual, coincidentemente, ele já estava envolvido antes mesmo de estabelecer a companhia holandesa que ele agora dirige juntamente com Erik van Holten. 
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QIPC e KBA: Uma parceria de sucesso que já dura 20 anos

março 2017

 – A Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) e a Koenig & Bauer (KBA) podem olhar para trás e ver duas décadas de uma parceria de sucesso. A cooperação da QIPC com a mais antiga e segunda maior fábrica de impressoras do mundo começou em 1997, apenas um ano depois do surgimento da empresa. Foi oferecida à jovem start-up a chance de integrar seus recém-desenvolvidos cabeçotes de varredura de registro às impressoras rotativas offset da KBA para fins de testes. 
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Druckerei Vetters set to intensify collaboration with Q.I. Press Controls

março 2017

– German print concern, Druckerei Vetters GmbH & Co. KG in Radeburg is about to write another chapter in its long-term partnership with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). The company is set to revamp two of its four printing presses with QIPC automation systems, one of which is to be expanded, the other upgraded.
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La Charente Libre's printing process optimised thanks to QIPC

março 2017

La Charente Libre is the latest customer of Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). Based in Angoulême, France, the printing concern will soon be taking advantage of state-of-the-art measurement and control systems supplied by QIPC, the Dutch specialist for the printing industry. Twelve mRC-3D cameras for automatic colour register control are being installed on the company's Goss Community & DGM press.
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A QIPC dá as boas-vindas ao 'velho' colega.

fevereiro 2017

– A equipe de vendas da Q.I. Press Controls deu as boas-vindas a Harold Drinhuyzen, que está conosco desde novembro. O funcionário de 54 anos, vindo das proximidades de Breda, retorna para a empresa em que trabalhou de 2003 a 2009. Agora, Harold Drinhuyzen tem sob sua responsabilidade as vendas internacionais da QIPC-EAE na região do Mediterrâneo, alguns países da África e Rússia.
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Alpha Enterprises and Q.I. Press Controls to join forces

dezembro 2016

– This year marks the start of a new partnership between Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and Alpha Enterprises, its representative in Egypt. QIPC, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, has been focusing more intensely on the Egyptian market recently, and in Alpha Enterprises has found a partner who is as much at home in the Egyptian market as in the Dutch one. The collaboration has already helped pull in several new orders.
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Salomon Print replaces outmoded system with state-of-the-art QIPC equipment

novembro 2016

– The Slovenian printing concern, Salomon Print, is set to replace the outdated automation system which is currently in use on its press. The Ljubljana-based concern has placed an order with Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in automation solutions for the printing industry. QIPC is to fit two mRC-3D cameras for colour register and two for cut-off register on the company's manroland ROTOMAN N press in Slovenia. In the words of Salomon Print: “QIPC is well-known in the market for its top-class products.”
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Performance Package order marks a first for QIPC in Spain

novembro 2016

- The Spanish-based print concern Calprint SL has placed an order for a Performance Package from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). QIPC, the specialist in automation for the printing industry, is to install the IDS-3D system for colour and register control at Calprint SL's plant in Medina del Campo, close to Valladolid in the centre of Spain. It will be the first closed-loop colour control system to be installed on a coldset press in the country. The Performance Package will also entail the updating of existing Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE) systems.
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Italian ACM SpA invests in Q.I. Press Controls automation

outubro 2016

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) has reeled in yet another key order in the wake of the recent Drupa 2016. ACM SpA, the Italian-based printing company, has decided to invest in the IDS-3D system for colour control and the mRC-3D system for colour register and cut-off control. Initial contact between the two parties was established at Drupa, the leading German trade fair for the printing industry. In the words of ACM SpA: “Looking to the future, this represents a fantastic investment and forms a solid basis for a strong strategic partnership”.
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Chengde Daily sticks with QIPC automation

setembro 2016

– The printing plant of the China-based Chengde Daily will once again be equipping its new press with automation solutions from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). The Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry is to install the mRC-3D system for colour register on its Beiren 40A printing press.
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Star Tribune delighted with QIPC collaboration

setembro 2016

- It was a year ago that an automation system supplied by  Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) was installed for the very first time at the Star Tribune printing plant. The mRC-3D for register control is now functioning to the complete satisfaction of the Star Tribune based in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). “We're extremely happy with the improvements in quality and reductions in waste.”
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Automation update on Webnews Printing press

agosto 2016

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) has recently struck a new deal with Canada-based Webnews Printing. The IRS system (also supplied by QIPC) is to be replaced by a new mRC-3D system for register control on the DGM 430 & Ventura press at the company's North York plant.
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QIPC Performance Package for Le Matin

agosto 2016

– The printing plant of the Morocco-based newspaper Le Matin has decided to invest in a Performance Package from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and Engineering Automation Electronics (EAE). Morocco's leading print concern will thus be taking maximum advantage of the recent takeover by QIPC of EAE and, in addition to acquiring an update of the EAE operating system, can now also call upon the services of a QIPC mRC-3D system for automation of colour and cut-off register.
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Guangxi Daily keeps faith with Q.I. Press Controls

agosto 2016

- It’s certainly not the first, and probably not the last time a Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) automation system has been installed on one of the printing presses at the Guangxi Daily. The Chinese media group decided to invest in an mRC-3D system for colour register control as part of an expansion on a tower for a Goss Magnum 65 press in Nanning. “Guangxi Daily is a satisfied client who knows exactly what it’s getting from us”, was the message.
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Q.I. Press Controls delivers automation systems for Axel Springer Druckhaus Spandau

agosto 2016

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) is once again delivering automation systems for Axel Springer Druckhaus Spandau. Last year, this leading German printing house installed an extensive package of QIPC automation solutions on its presses and has decided to place yet another sizable order in 2016.
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IntegraColor the first to benefit from Q.I. Press Controls - Perretta partnership

julho 2016

- IntegraColor, an American concern specialising in commercial printing, is the first printing company to take advantage of the new partnership between Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) and Perretta Graphics. Last year, its printing plant - based in Mesquite, Texas - decided to replace lock, stock and barrel its ink, register, cut-off and colour control systems and identified the new partnership of QIPC and Perretta as the perfect outfit to carry this out. The press has now been running with the new systems for over six months. “We're delighted Perretta introduced us to QIPC”, was the verdict of IntegraColor.
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Dynamic and forward looking Pudhari Publications chooses Q.I. Press Controls for automation

julho 2016

- No fewer than ten mRC-3D cameras supplied by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, will soon be on their way to India. Pudhari Publications is set to carry out an investment programme with the aim of improving automation on its printing presses at its plant in Kolhapur. The mRC-3D system will ensure full automation on the colour register on the Manugraph Cityline press with five towers.
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Wenatchee World press now fully automated

julho 2016

- Wenatchee World has decided to invest in a Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) automation system for its newspaper printing press. The KBA Comet press in Wenatchee (Washington) is to be fitted with the IDS-3D system for register and closed-loop colour control. To quote Wenatchee World: “QIPC is the best solution for us.”
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Q.I. Press Controls gives boost to Omani Establishments expansion plans

julho 2016

– The Dutch specialist in measurement and control equipment for the printing industry, Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), has received a new order from Omani Establishment for Press, Printing, Publishing and Distribution L.L.C. in Oman. QIPC will be responsible for installing an mRC-3D system for colour register in its plant, based in the Omani capital of Muscat. Omani Establishment decided to invest in colour register because it now wants to focus its efforts increasingly on commercial products, alongside its newspaper-printing activities.
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Na segunda semana da Drupa, o total dos pedidos recebidos pela QIPC-EAE sobe para €6,3 milhões

julho 2016

- A segunda semana da Drupa 2016 provou ser ainda mais bem-sucedida que a primeira para a Q.I. Press Controls - Engineering Automation Electronics (QIPC-EAE). A especialista em automação para a indústria gráfica teve sua carteira de pedidos aumentada em 6,3 milhões de euros durante os 11 dias do evento que aconteceu em Düsseldorf, triplicando assim, os 2 milhões de euros em pedidos que foram registrados na primeira semana. "E, é provável que recebamos mais pedidos ainda", declarou Menno Jansen, presidente da QIPC-EAE.  
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QIPC-EAE secures 2 milion in orders in first DRUPA week

junho 2016

- The first week of Drupa 2016 has been phenomenal for QIPC-EAE. “Not only did we close the first week with an order intake of 2 million worth, but we are also getting very good responses on our new our product introductions IBS-100 and EAE desk 7”, states Menno Jansen, Chairman of QIPC-EAE. 
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Q.I. Press Controls receives several orders from Koninklijke Drukkerij Em. De Jong

maio 2016

- Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, already had an active presence on several continents worldwide. From India to Colombia and from Egypt to the United States, printing companies all over the world have been taking advantage of the innovative solutions offered by the Oosterhout-based company. However, QIPC has now acquired a key client just 31 km down the road from its head office: Koninklijke Drukkerij Em. De Jong. The company’s printing plant in ‘neighbouring’ Baarle-Nassau has recently had one of its eight presses installed with QIPC’s fully automated press control system. Drukkerij Em. De Jong is also fitting out one of its other printing presses with the colour register and fan-out control system using QIPC’s mRC-3D system.
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Grafix NV places trust in QIPC

maio 2016

– Once again, Belgian printing company Grafix NV has chosen to invest in measurement and control systems supplied by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). QIPC, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, will be installing an mRC-3D system for colour and cut-off register in the company's printing plant in Dessel (B). This new order represents the next milestone in a longstanding partnership between Grafix NV and QIPC. “We have come to recognise QIPC as a trusted partner”.
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Q.I. Press Controls provides Vanguardia Liberal with customised design

maio 2016

– The leading Colombian newspaper, Vanguardia Liberal, is to fit its printing presses with automation equipment supplied by Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). A major national daily, the newspaper has placed an order to install an mRC-3D system for register and cut-off control on its recently acquired Goss Universal 50 press with 12 towers. A personalised design for the system was specially developed for the press and Vanguardia Liberal by QIPC. 
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Spokesman-Review looks to the future

abril 2016

– The US newspaper Spokesman-Review is to invest in a further round of automation for its printing press. Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) is set to install the IDS-3D system on its TKS press with two towers in Spokane, Washington. QIPC, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, will be installing 4 IDS-3D register control cameras at its plant in the United States.  
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Pencor Group sets its sights on better quality!

abril 2016

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) has taken a new American customer on board. The US-based Pencor Group has decided to purchase QIPC’s IDS-3D system for colour control on its press. QIPC, the Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry beat off several other rivals to win the order.  
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Q.I. Press Controls captures Indian order

março 2016

– Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC) has not only built up a reputation in the Netherlands and Europe, but also far beyond: the printing industry the world over has been discovering the benefits of equipping its presses with measurement and control systems produced by the Oosterhout-based company. Uttarbanga Sambad in India is yet another in a long series of businesses that have been placing orders with QIPC. It is through Naph Graphics - supplier of the new press – that Uttarbanga Sambad is investing in the mRC-3D system for colour register.
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Oppermann Druck und Verlags GmbH places confidence in Q.I. Press Controls

fevereiro 2016

– The new press installed at German-based printing and publishing company, Oppermann Druck und Verlags GmbH, is to be fitted with closed-loop systems from Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC). The new KBA Commander CL with four towers, at its plant in Rodenberg, Germany, will be equipped with the mRC-3D and IDS-3D systems from QIPC for colour register, fan-out, cut-off register, side-lay and colour control. The company hopes the new press will be operational for print runs by mid-2016. “In QIPC, we think we’ve found a partner for the long term”, is the verdict.
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Q.I. Press Controls lands major order from Chinese printer

fevereiro 2016

- The Dutch specialist in measurement and control systems for the printing industry, Q.I. Press Controls (QIPC), is set to intensify its partnership with China-based Hunan Xinhua. In addition to the QIPC equipment already installed on its book and newspaper presses, Hunan Xinhua has now placed an order for two mRC-3Ds for automatic colour register on its new Goss book printing press. The two mRC-3Ds will be fitted with Ink Mist Shield (IMS) and a new folder will also be installed in the printing plant, which is located in the south-western city of Shaoyang.
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Maryna AS, o novo representante da QIPC – EAE na América do Sul

janeiro 2016

 - A Maryna SA foi a empresa escolhida para ser a nova representante da Q.I. Press Controls e EAE para a Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai. Esta nomeação não foi uma surpresa, uma vez que a Maryna SA representa marcas líderes nas áreas de blanquetas, tinta e computadores para chapa. A empresa conta com uma experiência de mais de 30 anos na indústria de impressão, em desenvolvimentos nos parques gráficos e jornais deste países. A QIPC – EAE tem plena confiança na Maryna SA.
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Ferrostaal Vietnam new agent for EAE in Vietnam

janeiro 2016

-  EAE welcomes Ferrostaal Vietnam as a new agent! Ferrostaal Vietnam will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of Vietnam. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio. Menno Jansen, Director Q.I. Press Controls, believes that having just one agent for both Q.I. Press Controls and EAE makes sure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the combination QIPC – EAE will be well known in all Vietnam.
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Grafmat usluge new agent for QIPC – EAE in Croatia and Slovenia

novembro 2015

 - Grafmat usluge has been named as the new agent for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE. Since the past seven years, Grafmat usluge is working hard to expand their portfolio with leading companies in the graphic industry. At the moment they represent a range of companies present in the market in all of Europe and the world. QIPC – EAE choose this agent to actively represent and promote the sales of QIPC – EAE in Croatia and Slovenia. 
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novembro 2015

 - Multimedia companies Jagran Prakashan and Lokmat Media have once again opted for Q.I. Press Controls. Both companies ordered mRC-3D cameras for different printing sites. The orders, which confirms the good relationship that already exists between Q.I. Press Controls and the two companies, signals a positive outcome for all three organisations.
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novembro 2015

 Os especialistas em impressão da Axel Springer, a editora digital líder da Europa, acaba de adquirir um pacote de automação IDS-3D da Q.I. Press Controls. O parque gráfico da Axel Springer em Berlin-Spandau é a terceira planta da empresa a optar por uma solução totalmente automatizada e que foi desenvolvida pelo fornecedor lider mundial em sistemas ópticos para medição e controle.
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novembro 2015

– Q.I. Press Controls has received yet another order from Malayala Manorama. The organisation, which has the most widely sold and circulating newspaper in India, has purchased the mRC-3D for its plant in Kollam, India. Q.I. Press Controls has been working with the newspaper for many years already. Results at its other sites have proved so good that Malayala Manorama had no hesitation in ordering Q.I. Press Controls’ register system for its Manugraph Smartline press in Kollam.

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outubro 2015

- In 2013 Q.I. Press Controls installed 124 mRC-3D cameras at the The Columbus Dispatch’s printing plant. Two years ago, as part of a face-lifting exercise, The Columbus Dispatch decided to adapt its printing presses to enable them to print in 3V format. The aim was to bring machinery into line with ongoing quality and efficiency improvements being implemented by the business. At the time, The Columbus Dispatch was the first in the US to introduce the mRC-3D from Q.I. Press Controls. Now, two years on, the system is operating at full capacity, is living up to the expectations of The Columbus Dispatch, has led to significant savings in cost and waste, and – not least – gives Q.I. Press Controls yet another reason to take pride in its automated solutions.
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outubro 2015

– Where Q.I. Press Controls and EAE closed million deals last year in Amsterdam, the organisations gather success again this year in Hamburg. From 05 to October 07, the Hamburg Messe was the stage for the World Publishing Expo: the exhibition where the main suppliers of the printing industry present themselves. This year too, QIPC – EAE shared a stand where a white décor, white suits and new orders prevailed. The Board consisting of Menno Jansen (QIPC), Erik van Holten (QIPC – EAE) and Werner Ringel (EAE), looks back on three eventful days with satisfaction. Menno Jansen: “We are certainly satisfied with the results and we can confidently prepare ourselves for DRUPA.”
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outubro 2015

– Sanoma, one of Europe’s leading media and educational concerns has plans to modernise one of its printing plants in Finland. The business provides information and entertainment for millions of consumers in numerous European countries. In fact, in both Finland and the Netherlands, Sanoma is the leading media concern, with a wide presence across a diversity of platforms. Sanomala is the printing plant based in Finland in the city Vantaa. The age of the current manroland COLORMAN press would suggest that the machine is in need of a retrofit with respect to its operating and control systems. The plant aims to modernise the press so that future costs can be minimised whilst optimum levels of support can be maintained. Additional benefits involve improvements to the quality of the product which will be accompanied by optimisation of production costs. It comes as no surprise therefore that Sanomala has opted to collaborate with QIPC – EAE.

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setembro 2015

– QIPC – EAE has sold yet another Performance Package. The Performance Package, which comprises an update of current systems from EAE and extra automation features from Q.I. Press Controls, ensures greater efficiency and product improvements for printing firms. The package also helps bring about even faster return-on-investment times then the products of Q.I. Press Controls and EAE do separately. This time it was the turn of IPM Press Print (formerly known as Sodimco) in Anderlecht, Belgium to buy the QIPC – EAE package.

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setembro 2015

– EAE welcomes Techniweb as a new agent! Techniweb will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of France. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio. Menno Jansen, Director Q.I. Press Controls, believes that having just one agent for both Q.I. Press Controls and EAE makes sure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the combination QIPC – EAE will be well known in all of France.

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setembro 2015

– Update: Q.I. Press Controls received an expansion order from Baghdad, Iraq. The Iraqi Media Network (IMN) ordered four mRC+ colour register camera’s with ink mist shields. The colour register system will be installed on IMN’s KBA Comet printing press on two additional towers. This is the second order placed by the group and is an expansion of the already present Q.I. Press Controls’ system. IMN is a news and entertainment group funded by the government of USA that transmits the value of transparency. The printing division of the group publishes the Al-Sabah (‘morning’) newspaper and several magazines.

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agosto 2015

 – Em janeiro de 2014, Sydostpressarna, localizada em Karlskrona na Suécia, optou por instalar um sistema totalmente automatizado da Q.I. Press Controls. Um ano depois, a Q.I. Press Controls retornou lá para saber o que aconteceu depois disto. A organização, aparentemente, está mais do que satisfeita com os resultados.

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agosto 2015

– Centro Stampa Quotidiani, based in Erbusco, Italy, has once again opted to buy a Q.I. Press Controls system. Previously, the organisation placed orders for IRS and IDS on two of its printing lines. This time, IDS-3D is being installed on its presses. The results obtained with previous systems and the company’s positive experience working with Q.I. Press Controls were decisive in clinching the third order.
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agosto 2015

- Q.I. Press Controls has received the largest ever order in its history from Newsprinters UK for its printing sites in Broxbourne and Eurocentral. Newsprinters comprises three divisions: Broxbourne, Knowsley and Eurocentral. Of these, Broxbourne is the largest and is responsible for printing some of the UK’s major national dailies, such as The Times and The Daily Telegraph. Broxbourne’s plant consists of 60 towers and Eurocentral’s 12. Newsprinters recently announced all these towers are equipped with Q.I. Press Controls’ IDS-3D.

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GMDE new agent for EAE in Italy

julho 2015

 - EAE welcomes GMDE as a new agent! GMDE will represent EAE in the entire graphical market of Italy. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided it was about time to add EAE in their portfolio. Menno Jansen, Director Q.I. Press Conrtols, believes that having just one agent for both Q.I. Press Controls and EAE makes sure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the combination QIPC – EAE will be well known in all Italy.

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Print2Finish is the new agent for EAE in America

julho 2015

 - EAE welcomes Print2Finish as the new agency responsible for Central America, Colombia, Panama and the United States of America. Due to the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE, the agency decided to add EAE to their portfolio. Menno Jansen, Director Q.I. Press Controls, believes that having just one agent for both Q.I. Press Controls and EAE makes sure that the efficiency and effectiveness of the combination QIPC – EAE will be well known in all represented countries.

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Yet another Chinese order for Q.I. Press Controls

julho 2015

 - ZiGong Daily has shown to the Chinese printing industry, it was time to invest in a new register system for its Goss newspaper press. The company, based in ZiGong, China, chose Q.I. Press Controls because of its excellent reputation. The ZiGong Daily order for the installation of the mRC-3D on a Goss press is the first of its kind from a printing company in the province of SiChuan.

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Al-Qasswa new agent for QIPC – EAE in Saudi Arabia

junho 2015

 - Al-Qasswa Development Est. has been named as the new agent for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE in Saudi Arabia. This appointment comes as no surprise, since Al-Qasswa continues to build on its successes wherever the printing industry is concerned. Al-Qasswa is a serious player in the Saudi printing world and over the years has acquired experience with several generations of top management. QIPC – EAE has complete confidence in Al-Qasswa.

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QIPC-EAE appoints new Sales Manager covering Southeast Asian Region

maio 2015

 - QIPC-EAE, the leading suppliers of innovative optical measure and control systems in the graphic industry, appoints a new Sales Manager for their office in South East Asia.

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New Sales Executive for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE

maio 2015

 - Gidion Ambaum is the new Sales Executive for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE. He started working at Q.I. Press Controls’ head office last month and from now on will take on responsibility for sales activities in Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

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Denmark makes acquaintance with Q.I. Press Controls and EAE combination

abril 2015

 - It seems that the collaboration between Q.I. Press Controls and EAE is paying dividends. In the space of just over a year following the acquisition of EAE – a period in which the two organisations have continued to develop groundbreaking automation products – the print industry has become increasingly aware that the two companies are operating as a single entity. Joint orders are starting to pour in and Denmark too, is making acquaintance with the QIPC – EAE combination. Having been won over by the commitment shown by both organisations, the Trykkeriet Nordvestsjaelland printing plant has singled out QIPC – EAE for the upgrade of its presses.

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Krause Biagosch India new agent for Q.I. Press Controls India

abril 2015

 - Q.I. Press Controls India welcomes Krause Biagosch India as a new agent! Krause Biagosch India will represent Q.I. Press Controls in the entire graphical market of India. Mr. Vijay Pandya, Managing Director of Q.I. Press Controls India, believes that joining hands together with Krause Biagosch India will result in multiple sales successes for both Q.I. Press Controls as EAE.

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Q.I. Press Controls is first choice for People’s Railway News!

abril 2015

 - The Chinese People’s Railway News in Beijing has opted for Q.I. Press Controls’ mRC-3D for its new printing press. The organisation was the first in China to buy the new IRS eleven years ago and to this day, the system is still operating to their complete satisfaction. In fact, People’s Railway News is so happy with the service and quality from Q.I. Press Controls, that they told printing press manufacturer Seiken that only a Q.I. Press Controls system would be good enough for the new press.

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Q.I. Press Controls convinces Mayr Miesbach GmbH of benefits mRC-3D and IDS-3D

março 2015

 - Mayr Miesbach has plumped for a Q.I. Press Controls’ system after purchasing a KBA heatset printing press. Mayr Miesbach was, after some persuasive talking, won over by the advantages of the mRC-3D and the new IDS-3D. These new systems from Q.I. Press Controls enable Mayr Miesbach to guarantee high standards of quality and reduce waste. “From a technological point of view, these systems are helping us to forge ahead. We are now able to use of state-of-the-art technology,” according to Erwin Erler, print manager at Mayr Miesbach GmbH.

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Satisfied customer Eurodruk-Poznán opts once again for Q.I. Press Controls

março 2015

 - Eurodruk-Poznán Sp. z.o.o., based in Poznán, Poland has once again opted for Q.I. Press controls. The heat-set organisation already has three systems from Q.I. Press Controls operating on various presses. In fact, Eurodruk is so pleased that they have chosen to upgrade completely to the mRC-3D for colour register and cut-off.

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Mediaprint chooses Q.I. Press Controls as partner in its pursuit of process automation

março 2015

 - Vienna-based Mediaprint is the first to place an order for Q.I. Press Controls systems in 2015. The order consists of IDS-3D, mRC-3D and IQM for its division in Vienna, Austria. The order is the first in a series of four. Ultimately, the intention is to install Q.I. Press Controls systems in each of Mediaprint’s three divisions. In so doing, Mediaprint is not only investing in quality, but also in a product-development partnership with Q.I. Press Controls.

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Q.I. Press Controls active for Book Printing Market

março 2015

 - Q.I. Press Controls is active for the book printing market! During Printpack India 2015, the organisation got in serious contact with the people of Pressline, who just introduced a new range of web-offset machines for the production of books: the Bookline Series. Pressline decided to invest in a first installation of the mRC-3D on one of their new book printing presses. When the solution works satisfactorily, Q.I. Press Controls gets the opportunity for more business on other book printing presses of this press manufacturer.

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Success twice over in China for Q.I. Press Controls

março 2015

 - Q.I. Press Controls achieves double success in China. Within the space of a week, both GanSu Daily and LiaoCheng Daily have opted to invest in the mRC-3D with AIMS (Automatic Ink Mist Shield). Paul Yu, Managing Director of Q.I. Press Controls China, had this to say: “We have been told both organisations are giving serious consideration to a follow-up investments in our products, once their systems are running up to speed.”

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Loyal heatset customer decides on upgrade to new IDS-3D after confidence shown in previous solutions developed by Q.I. Press Controls

fevereiro 2015

 - Printing company Grafischer Betrieb Henke, based in Brühl, Germany has decided to invest in the new system from Q.I. Press Controls. The investment entails replacing its current IRS 40S colour register system with the mRC-3D and expanding this with the print image-based colour-control system, IDS-3D on its Goss M600 printing press.

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New Managing Director for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE Latin America

fevereiro 2015

 - Nielson Fernando will start from February 2015 as the new Managing Director of Q.I. Press Controls and EAE Latin America. Nielson will replace Júlio Coutinho who has worked over seven years for the company. Nielson will start in a new office in São Paulo, Brazil.

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New Sales Executive for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE

fevereiro 2015

 - Mathijs Baron was appointed as the new Sales Executive for Q.I. Press Controls and EAE at the beginning of 2015. Mathijs steps into the shoes of Christian Janse who, after spending several years with QIPC – EAE, has taken up a new challenge outside the company. As Sales Executive, Mathijs will be responsible for the south of Europe, the UK and South Africa.

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Loyal customer responsible for printing secure documents and packaging once again opts for Q.I. Press Controls

janeiro 2015

 - Printing specialist Lijnco, based in Groningen, the Netherlands – one of Q.I. Press Controls oldest customers – is to invest in mRC-3D. In so doing, Lijnco is placing its seventh order and proves once again its value as a loyal and satisfied customer.

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janeiro 2015

 O Jornal do Povo de Cachoeira do Sul, RS, Brasil escolhe a Q.I. Press Controls para fornecer equipamentos para sua impressora Goss Community. Esta foi a primeira aquisição para atualização desse popular modelo de Rotativas na América Latina. A tiragem média deste pequeno jornal regional é de 8.000 exemplares e seu público na região é de 50.000 leitores. O objetivo do jornal é contribuir para o desenvolvimento das comunidades onde atua e, como empresa, sua prioridade é fazer com que, tanto sua mão de obra quanto seus acionistas, fiquem satisfeitos. Como parte de seus esforços para melhorar a qualidade do Jornal do Povo e realizar economias, a organização optou por adquirir o sistema mRC-3D de registro de cor da Q.I. Press Controls.

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novembro 2014

 - After investments in Q.I. Press Controls’ closed-loop colour control system by printing plants in Sweden and Norway, now also Denmark will follow. Fynske Medier is the first printing plant in Scandinavia to acquire the closed-loop colour control system fitted with IDS-3D cameras.
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agosto 2014

 - From 13 to 15 October, the RAI in Amsterdam was home to the annual IFRA expo & conference. The trade fair saw the joint presentation by Q.I. Press Controls and EAE of their IDS-3D: the innovative, all-in-one, fully automatic image-based colour density and register system for web offset presses, which can also detect printing errors. The success achieved during the show can be only described as overwhelming. Jaco Bleijenberg, International Director of Sales & Marketing at Q.I. Press Controls & EAE: “This is the best IFRA ever for Q.I. Press Controls”
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agosto 2014

 - India’s largest media conglomerate Times of India has opted for Q.I. Press Controls’ press automation solution. The Times Group is the largest publishing company in India and South-Asia. With a turnover exceeding a billion dollars, the group has the support of over 25,000 advertisers, 11,000 employees and an audience spanning across all continents.
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agosto 2014

: dois especialistas no campo da automação de impressão uniram forças para lançar a mais recente inovação em automação de Rotativas que, em breve, será exibida pela primeira vez na WAN-IFRA’s World Publishing Expo 2014, em Amsterdã.
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agosto 2014

 – O Telegraaf Drukkerij Group (TDG), da Telegraaf Media Group (TMG), utilizará em breve uma solução completa da Q.I. Press Controls, inclusive o mais recente e inovador IDS-3D. Com isso eles poderão melhorar a qualidade de seu processo de produção e dos produtos voltados para o cliente final.
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agosto 2014

 - Again Q.I. Press Controls invests in expanding its offerings to the market. In April this year Q.I. Press Controls acquired the business and assets of EAE, the control and automation specialist for printing machines. Now Q.I. Press Controls proudly announces they have entered into a partnership with Perretta Graphics.
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julho 2014

 - The 228-year old newspaper, the ‘Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’ is currently undergoing an intensive modernisation program, part of which involves the Q.I. Press Controls’ mRC-3D register system.
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abril 2014

 - In April 2014 Q.I. Press Controls India celebrates its 10 year anniversary. During these ten years Q.I. Press Controls India has established itself as an esteemed supplier to the Indian newspaper and magazine printing industry with an impressive and extensive client base. The basis of the success has been the philosophy of being a partner to her customers in offering specific automated solutions to optimise their production process with the main goal of decreasing the use of materials and increasing quality and efficiency.
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abril 2014

 A Vprint, uma empresa familiar maior de mala direta da indústria da Europa, acabou de adquirir uma atualização de suas três rotativas heatset Goss M600 por meio de uma solução completa de automação da Q.I. Press Controls: mRC-3D, IDS e IQM.
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março 2014

 - Q.I. Press Controls, active in the print industry with eight locations worldwide, will take over EAE, the control and automation specialist for printing machines, starting April 1, 2014. An agreement was made not to divulge the purchase price.

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março 2014

- A diretoria da Q.I. Press Controls North America tem orgulho de anunciar que recebeu um importante pedido da McLaren Press Grahphics. A McLaren Press Graphics é líder em impressões comerciais com sede em Bracebridge, Ontário, Canadá. A Q.I. Press Controls tem o prazer de anunciar a mais recente venda do completo sistema mRC-3D para registro de cor automático com controle de corte para a linha de impressão de largura simples realizada pela Rotativa coldset DGM430 da McLaren.
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janeiro 2014

 No começo de 2014 a Sydostpressarna AB e a Q.I. Press Controls finalizaram um acordo para o fornecimento de 12 câmeras IDS de controle de cor, 24 câmeras de controle de registro mRC-3D e a ferramenta IQM, que informa a qualidade e o desempenho. Tudo isso para ser acoplado às manroland GEOMAN já operantes.
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janeiro 2014

 Centro Stampa Quotidiani (CSQ) e a Q.I. Press Controls farão sua estreia no mercado italiano. Pela primeira vez uma impressora de jornais será equipada com controle de cor com malha fechada: IDS na impressora de jornal CSQ’ WIFAG OF373/6. O investimento será de oito scanners IDS para cor com malha fechada, incluindo controle de molha.
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novembro 2013

 A Q.I. Press Controls, desenvolvedora de tecnologias inovadoras para controle automatizado de impressão, anunciou hoje a assinatura de um contrato com a Fairfax Media da Austrália para o fornecimento de equipamentos para registro de cor, corte e controle de cores em malha fechada para todas as gráficas de North Richmond (NSW).
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agosto 2013

 Durante a World Publishing Expo 2013 em Berlin (7 – 9 Outubro) a Q.I. Press Controls vai mostrar novamente o quanto é inovadora. A Drupa 2012 foi a ocasião escolhida para apresentar seu sucessor em solução de registro de cor e corte, o mRC-3D. A Q.I. Press Controls vai usar a World Publishing Expo para introduzir sua novidade em controle de Fan- out o ABD II.
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julho 2013

Client: The Columbus Dispatch, Columbus (US)
Press: TKS
mRC-3D Colour register
mRC-3D Unit-to-unit control
mRC-3D Front-to-back control
mRC-3D Cut-off ribbon control
mRC-3D Side-lay ribbon control integrated
Order date: 07-2013
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julho 2013

Mais precisamente: ‘o lançamento do Air Bustle Device II’. ‘Como resultado do novo projeto de seu bico de ar, o ABD II ganha mais em eficiência e economia de energia’, diz Erik van Holten.

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junho 2013

Uma mega pedido de compra para a Q.I. Press Controls
Ronald Reedijk, diretor geral da Q.I. Press Controls North America Ltd., em North Kingstown, EUA, nos relata que a empresa recebeu uma grande encomenda do ‘The Columbus Dispatch’ para entrega, implementação e colocação em operação de 124 câmeras de registro mRC-3D sobre as impressoras TKS responsáveis pela impressão dos seus jornais. Este pedido faz parte de um grande programa de melhoria de qualidade e eficiência no processo de impressão do ‘The Columbus Dispatch’. Reedijk está entusiasmado: ‘Todos nós da Q.I. Press Controls estamos muito orgulhos de saber que o mercado está depositando este nível de confiança em nossos sistemas de automação de qualidade. É isso que atesta este grande e importante pedido que recebemos. Nossos sistemas vêm assumindo um papel decisivo nos processos de impressão de jornal ao redor do mundo ao melhorar a qualidade e eficiência de jornais e impressoras. E mais vez, tivemos a confirmação de que os sistemas de automação de qualidade da Q.I. Press Controls melhoram o nível de suas plantas de impressão; ao utilizar elementos operacionais simplificados, o produto alcança uma maior eficiência e qualidade.’
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maio 2013

 - As gráficas hoje se questionam como podem atualizar seus equipamentos de produção de forma a melhor atender aos novos padrões de qualidade e produtividade. Além de fazer um bom investimento, o seu principal objetivo é aproveitar da melhor forma possível o equipamento em funcionamento. Johannes Heider Verlag GmbH, uma editora de Bergisch Gladbach (Alemanha), também estava com essas mesmas preocupações quando resolveu investir em novas soluções nos sistemas da Q.I. Press Controls. Fundada em 1889, esta empresa familiar emprega 90 funcionários e atua nos segmentos de jornais, impressos por offset e comercial em impressoras planas.
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maio 2013

 – A Q.I. Press Controls, que desenvolve tecnologias inovadoras para controle automatizado de impressão, tem o prazer de anunciar que assinou um contrato com a Fairfax Media na Austrália para a entrega da mRC-3D para controle de registro de cor e corte das plantas gráficas da Fairfax Media de Ballarat e Canberra. Estas serão as primeiras plantas em território australiano a receber a tecnologia mRC-3D da Q.I Press Controls.
As impressões da Fairfax Media em Ballarat, Victoria, são hoje realizadas com 11 torres que estão sobre as impressoras Uniset 75 e GEOMAN. A Q.I Press Controls foi convidada a substituir a tecnologia existente em três rotativas heatset por câmeras mRC-3D para controle de registro de cor e controle de corte de tiras.
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maio 2013

 Em time que está ganhando não se mexe: no processo de modernização de sua impressora offset rotativa coldset, a Pressehaus Stade Zeitungsdruck-GmbH está reiterando sua confiança nos sistemas de controle automático de impressão em linha da Q.I. Press Controls. A impressora KBA do grupo holandês, que imprime 32 páginas de jornal, brevemente será equipada com um sistema mRC-3D de última geração para registro de cor e controle de corte. Assumindo que tudo corra conforme o planejado, o sistema deverá ser instalado no início do verão. A impressora destina-se à produção em duas bobinas no formato Rhine. Uma delas com 4 torres e outra com 3 torres para impressão de 4/2 cores, ambas configuradas com 2 unidades Y de impressão.
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abril 2013

 - Q.I. Press Controls, principal fornecedor de sistemas de controle e de medição óptica de alta qualidade, acaba de nomear o novo diretor geral para seu escritório na América do Norte e, que em paralelo, atuará também como diretor de vendas de canais internacionais nas Américas.
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março 2013

 - Approximately two weeks ago, Quad/Tech announced in a Court filing that it is dropping its infringement case against QIPC for alleged infringement of Quad/Tech’s ’577 patent by QIPC’s IDS, the image-based Intelligent Density System. QIPC filed its response on March 14 and expressed its interest in seeking recovery of costs and attorney’s fees in connection with having to defend Quad/Tech’s lawsuit.
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fevereiro 2013

 - Al Fulaij & Hamdan Graphic Arts Supplies & Services agent for Q.I. Press Controls in Kuwait
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Web-offset clients take just-in-time advantge of Q.I. Press Controls' superior quality automation package

outubro 2012

 - In the period of 29-31 October, Q.I. Press Controls will create a unique platform at stand 431, with the aim to inform clients on its latest successes of its state-of-the-art systems for labour-reducing quality automation on web-offset presses; demonstrated in Frankfurt with references of world premieres!

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Web-offset clients take just-in-time advantge of Q.I. Press Controls' superior quality automation package

outubro 2012

 - In the period of 29-31 October, Q.I. Press Controls will create a unique platform at stand 431, with the aim to inform clients on its latest successes of its state-of-the-art systems for labour-reducing quality automation on web-offset presses; demonstrated in Frankfurt with references of world premieres!

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QuadTech ends lawsuit with Print2Finish

setembro 2012

 - Q.I. Press Controls is pleased that Quad/Tech has publicly announced in a press release that it will no longer pursue its patent infringement claim against Q.I. in the case titled Quad/Tech, Inc. v. Q.I. Press Controls, B.V., et. al. (E.D. Pa. 09-cv-2561).

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setembro 2012

O jornal Times Union da Hearst Corporation, situado em Albany, Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos, está satisfeito com a incorporação de um sistema de automação de registro mRC+ de cor, da Q.I. Press Controls, em sua nova Commander CL da KBA.

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Beijing Daily China wants Q.I. Press Controls' quality automation on new Goss M800 heatset

setembro 2012

 - ‘Beijing Daily’ will be the first in China to start printing with Q.I. Press Controls’ closed-loop automated colour control system (IDS) on its new Goss M800 heatset web-offset press! ‘Beijing Daily’ printing company in Beijing is currently aiming its production towards coldset newspaper production. By repositioning strategically, ‘Beijing Daily’ wants to become an important player in the local heatset web-offset market for commercial products. In order to achieve that, a 32-page Goss web-offset press with drying oven and folder was opted for, producing double-sided full colour in folded sheets of 32 pages or twice 16 pages.

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Australia's Fairfax Media orders Q.I. Press Controls' mRC

agosto 2012

 - Australia’s Fairfax Media is to switch its flagship hybrid print site in North Richmond to Q.I. Press Controls’ mRC control technology following a pilot scheme at the end of last year. Presstech equipment installed with the 12-year-old press will be replaced by systems which are “faster, less obtrusive and less costly to maintain,” according to print site general manager Michael Gee.

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agosto 2012

- Em março de 2013, a Koninklijke BDU-Barneveld Nederland (abreviada como BDU) colocará em funcionamento sua nova Commander CT da KBA e quer ter a certeza de contar com um registro de cor e de dobra o mais eficiente possível, além de um desempenho perfeito. Estas foram as razões que fizeram com que encomendassem vinte câmeras mRC-3D da Q.I. Press Controls.

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junho 2012

O grupo editorial do jornal indiano Amar Ujala amplia suas impressoras rotativas offset de jornal, adquirindo câmeras adicionais mRC+.

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junho 2012

 “Este é um dos pedidos mais atraentes que recebemos durante a última
DRUPA”, declarou Menno Jansen, CEO da Q.I. Press Controls em Oosterhout. A Star Publications Bhd na Malásia pretende atualizar suas três impressoras de jornal Colorliner da Goss para atingir a vanguarda da tecnologia relacionada com as impressoras de jornal. Isto só foi possível graças a ampla capacidade de configuração de uma mRC+ com um ABD (Dispositivo de circulação do ar) da QI Press Controls, em colaboração com a Goss International.

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Q.I. Press Controls secures record number of orders at Drupa 2012

maio 2012

 - In a concluding interview about Drupa 2012 with Jaco Bleijenberg, Q.I. Press Controls’ Director of International Sales & Marketing, he reports satisfaction on all fronts. “With nearly three million Euros in order bookings at this trade fair, Q.I. Press Controls set a personal Drupa record. Our new marvel – the mRC-3D self-cleaning depth detection camera – has seen an excellent response and we’ve already secured a number of major orders. We have clearly noticed that web-offset plants actively manage on the basis of maximum efficiency.”

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Drupa 2012: First order for Q.I. Press Controls' mRC-3D self-cleaning depth-detection cameras!

maio 2012

 - In their long-standing partnership Dumont Schauberg (MDS) and Q.I. Press Controls concluded a historic agreement at his years Drupa-exhibition! The meaningful handshake between MDS’ Production Manager, Manfred Poischen, and Q.I. Press Controls’ member of the Board, Menno Jansen, endorses MDS’ bold option for mRC-3D. That is Q.I. Press Controls’ new miracle camera marking a new and more efficient phase in the lifecycle of MDS’ existing Commander newspaper press. It has only been a few days that Q.I. Press Controls’ mRC-3D system was revealed to the international trade press and selective clients at this Drupa exhibition, as a new miracle camera. MDS will be the first user in the world to start taking advantage of this.

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março 2012

– A Q.I. Press Controls, o maior fornecedor de sistemas ópticos de medição e controle de alta qualidade, nomeia um novo diretor para a Ásia. Esta necessidade de criar um novo posto regional foi determinada pelo número cada vez maior de usuários asiáticos das soluções automatizadas da Q.I. Press Controls , usuários estes que precisam de um ganho na eficiência da qualidade de suas impressoras rotativas offset. Os mercados da Q.I. Press Controls na China, Índia, sudeste Asiático e Austrália/Nova Zelândia estão se desenvolvendo tão bem que uma gestão regional experiente fez-se necessária. Todos estes requisitos foram encontrados na figura experiente de Job van Hasselt.

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Q.I. Press Controls automises D.C.Thomson’s Goss Colorliner CPS

março 2012

 - 34 mRC+ register cameras will give a perfect automated colour and cut-off register to D.C.Thomson’s hybride Colorliner web offset press mid-2012. That is when the prominent newspaper printing and publisher D.C. Thomson will take its new Goss Colorliner CPS into operation. The accompanying image shows that it concerns a compact version of the combined Goss coldset/heatset concept; the world’s first Goss Colorliner CPS presses.

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março 2012

– Novamente a Q.I. Press Controls demonstra sua capacidade de inovação! Durante a feira de mídias impressas Drupa 2012 em Düsseldorf, essa fabricante de renome mundial de produtos de tecnologia de controle de qualidade revela o seu mais novo lançamento para impressoras rotativas: a câmera de detecção mRC-3D.

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março 2012

 – A Q.I. Press Controls conseguiu adicionar novas funções ao seu sistema IDS. As funções que facilitarão ainda mais o trabalho dos gráficos e deixarão as impressoras rotativas offset e coldset ainda mais eficientes. Estas novas facilidades do IDS fazem com que o funcionamento das rotativas offset tenham um ganho significativo em termos de eficiência, realizando um controle mais rígido dos desperdícios. Estas virtudes já foram testadas na prática por um grande número de impressoras de produção.

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março 2012

 ‘O primeiro amor nunca morre’, diz o ditado. E foi justamente isso que aconteceu com Wilfried Sutter, diretor técnico da Allgäuer Zeitungsverlag. Com base nas experiências positivas adquiridas por muitos anos com o IRS, registro de cor de malha fechada da Q.I. Press Controls, instalado em suas impressoras de jornais existentes, optou recentemente por equipar também a nova Colorman e:line com os produtos de qualidade da Q.I. Press Controls.

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março 2012

– Em meados de 2012, 34 câmeras de registro mRC + proporcionarão uma cor perfeita e um registro de corte automatizados na rotativa offset Colorliner híbrida da D.C.Thomson. Nesta data, o conceituado impressor e editor de jornais D.C. Thomson colocará sua nova Goss Colorliner CPS em operação. A foto anexa mostra que se trata de uma versão compacta da Goss, que combina o conceito de rotativa coldset com heatset; a primeira impressora Goss Colorliner CPS deste tipo do mundo.

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outubro 2011

 - Q.I. Press Controls has been offering better results since 1996. We invite you to celebrate this milestone with us at IFRA Expo 2011
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setembro 2011

 – Gráficas estão sofrendo uma crescente pressão por quebra de barreiras, porque os clientes estão cada vez com menor vontade de pagar por etapas manuais no processo produtivo. Contratos de impressão são intensivamente detalhados, enquanto a aceitação de problemas está se tornando mais raro. Sem equívoco, impressões de qualidade com totalidade de cor é agora um fato. Estas evoluções na indústria gráfica são irreversíveis. A Q.I Press Controls se preparou para esta situação e pode oferecer a seus clientes melhores resultados. Durante a Exposição IFRA 2011, em Vienna, Q.I Press Controls irá demonstrar todas as suas soluções no stand B618.

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setembro 2011

 - Q.I. Press Controls is proud to announce the receipt of the largest order ever on native soil. Persgroep Printing Amsterdam has ordered Q.I. Press Controls’ total automation solution for retrofitting their manroland COLORMAN. The press will be fully automated by mRC+ (with micro register marks), Intelligent Density System (closed-loop markless colour control) and Intelligent Quality Management (IQM).

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setembro 2011

 - Following the extensive investment end of 2009 in a full automation solution, Coldset Printing Partners once again placed an order with Q.I. Press Controls. This time their 12-tower KBA Commander located at their printing facility in Paal-Beringen, in the North-East of Belgium, will undergo a complete upgrade. This second full automation solution will consists of 56 mRC+ scanners for colour- and cut-off register, 24 IDS scanners for markless closed loop colour control to ISO 12647-3 standard and IQM for advanced quality reporting and performance indication.

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junho 2011

– O jornal The Washington Post, sediado em Springfield, Virgínia, acaba de fechar um pedido com a Q.I. Press Controls para modernizar sua configuração de impressão de jornal com um controle de registro de malha fechada.
“Com o investimento nas soluções da Q.I. Press Controls, o Washington Post poderá atingir o seu alvo
de ter impressões de alta qualidade constantemente e uma economia gerada pela redução de desperdício. Esse último benefício é de grande importância para o Washington Post, que tem o compromisso de proteger o ambiente e faz isso através do seu gerenciamento completo da operação,” afirma o Sr. Roddy MacPherson, Gerente Auxiliar da Gráfica.

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junho 2011

 O Bold Printing Group, divisão de impressão da Bonnier, grupo de operações de mídia internacional da Suécia, investiu recentemente na impressora KBA Commander CT. Essa impressora será usada para a principal central de impressão, a DN.EX Tryckeriet localizada em Akalla, próximo a Estocolmo. Nessa impressora altamente automatizada, tanto o registro de cor quanto de corte, será controlado automaticamente pelo sistema mRC+ da Q.I. Press Controls com marcas de registro.
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maio 2011

 - O Giornale di Sicilia é um jornal nacional com sede em Palermo. Eles imprimem aproximadamente 100.000 cópias diariamente em pelo menos sete a onze edições. A região da Sicília tem nove províncias e o Giornale di Sicilia está presente em todas elas. Eles só imprimem os seus próprios produtos e fazem isso numa impressora Cerutti Flexi G22D (Flexo press). O Giornale di Sicilia quer atualizar essa impressora com o sistema mRC+ da Q.I. Press Controls com marcas de registro para o controle automático de cor e corte.
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maio 2011

– A Q.I. Press Controls tem o prazer de anunciar que o pedido feito pelo Le Progrès, em Lyon (Chassieu), na França. As suas duas impressoras Goss Mainstream serão equipadas com um total de 28 scanners mRC+ que controlarão o registro de corte e side-lay (alinhamento lateral). O Le Progrès é um jornal local da região dos Alpes Rhône na França. Tanto a gráfica quanto a editora fazem parte do Groupe EBRA, que é especialista em jornais locais no leste da França com 9 instalações de impressão no total.
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março 2011

 – A batalha na justiça americana entre a Q.I. Press Controls e a Quad Tech, Inc., uma subsidiária da Quad Graphics, avançou mais um passo. No dia 21 de março de 2011, o Tribunal Federal de Recursos da Circunscrição Federal em Washington, DC, confirmou a decisão já tomada pelo tribunal inferior, em que o Excelentíssimo Juiz Eduardo Robreno negou o pedido da Quad/Tech por uma ordem preliminar para suspender a comercialização da tecnologia de controle de registro de cores da Q.I. Press Controls. As razões pelas quais o Juiz Robreno negou o pedido por uma ordem preliminar da Quad/Tech são: 
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março 2011

 - CONALITEG (National Commission of Text Books Gratuitous), an organisation in Mexico that prints and supplies free educational text books, has purchased a brand new Goss M-500 including Q.I. Press Controls’ automation systems. The order is for mRC+ including register marks to automatically control colour and cut-off register.
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março 2011

 - Q. I. Press Controls India is proud to announce the opening of their second office. The new office is located in Bangalore. The number of existing customers and the expected further growth in the South of India have made the organisation decide to open an additional office in this area for a better local approach in sales and service.
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março 2011

 – O primeiro trimestre de 2011 tem sido fenomenal para a Q.I. Press Controls. A empresa fechou um pedido de aproximadamente 1,8 milhão de euros, entre outros. A Q.I. Press Controls irá fornecer a sua solução de automação completa, incluindo mRC+, IDS e IQM para a Polaris Trykk em Trondheim, na Noruega. A Polaris Trykk do grupo Polaris Media, dona de 4 centros de produção gráfica na Noruega, um deles em regime de propriedade partilhada com a Nr1Trykk.

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março 2011

The relationship between Druckerei Vetters and Q.I. Press Controls goes back more then ten years, when Drukkerei Vetters first invested in Q.I. Press Controls’ IRS automatic colour register system for their Zirkon Supra press. By ordering Q.I. Press Controls’ solutions for their forth press, Vetters confirms they are still convinced of the added value of both the company and its products. The new order is for mRC+ with register marks to automatically control colour and cut-off register and for IDS automatic colour control on an existing manroland OCTOMAN.

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março 2011

 - The focus in the printing industry has changed from creating new innovative products to refining the quality and reliability of existing products. One can not afford downtimes anymore as they can lead to complaints and claims. Q.I. Press Controls is aware their products need to deliver a reliable performance day in day out, worldwide!
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fevereiro 2011

 - Q.I. Press Controls India has received the order from Mitsubishi India for an mRC+ system. This automatic colour register control solution will be installed on the MHI Diamond Space press of The Hindu in Bangalore consisting of two 4-high towers, one mono and a folder. With 13 printing sites and a readership of 4.06 million, The Hindu is one off the biggest newspaper groups in South India.
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dezembro 2010

 - Q.I. Press Controls proudly announces and is honoured to obtain West Ferry Printers’ order to equip its new KBA Commander CT with Q.I. Press Controls’ colour register system mRC+ with registermarks, operating more accurate and durable than any other colour register system in the world. This large and unique order is going to be commissioned early 2012.
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dezembro 2010

 - Imprimérie Dridé is one of the first to order the Goss Folia M600 press, which was launched at Drupa 2008. Till now Q.I. Press Controls has equipped all Goss Folia presslines with its latest automation technology partly because of the strong relationship with Goss.
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Diario Vasco makes total upgrade with Q.I. Press Controls

dezembro 2010

 - Once again, Sociedad Vascongada de Producciones, s.l. (Diario Vasco), the second largest newspaper in the Basque Country based in San Sebastián in the North of Spain, has put its trust in Q.I. Press Controls’ technology. This printing house owns one of the largest KBA Comet presses in the country, consisting of 12 x 4-High towers and 2 folders (6 towers in each section). They have made a total upgrade in Section 1, exchanging their IRS solution for the new mRC technology for automatic colour register control.

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Jordan Press Foundation Amman orders Q.I. Press Controls closed loop fan-out control

dezembro 2010

 - End 2011 Jordan Press’ biggest circulation national Arabian newspaper ‘Al Rai’ will start a fully Q.I. Press Controls equipped hybrid KBA Commander pressline in Amman. Q.I. Press Controls proudly confirms that due to Jordan Press Foundation’s high quality demands for newspapers and semi-commercials printing, Q.I. Press Controls’ intelligent solutions are favoured for the new pressline.

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Q.I. Press Controls equipped all Goss M600 Folia presses

dezembro 2010

 - Imprimérie Dridé is one of the first to order the Goss Folia M600 press, which was launched at Drupa 2008. Till now Q.I. Press Controls has equipped all Goss Folia presslines with its latest automation technology partly because of the strong relationship with Goss.

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Q.I. Press Controls included in biggest newspaper order

dezembro 2010

Q.I. Press Controls proudly announces and is honoured to obtain West Ferry Printers’ order to equip its new KBA Commander CT with Q.I. Press Controls’ colour register system mRC+ with registermarks, operating more accurate and durable than any other colour register system in the world. This large and unique order is going to be commissioned early 2012.

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MPD Alexandria - Australia again favoured Q.I. Press Controls

dezembro 2010

Q.I. Press Controls’ customer MPD expanded its newspaper pressline several times. Years ago MPD became a global production partner and is a successful printer of the ‘Financial Times’, Australian edition; one of the 24 sites around the world to print this prestigious daily.

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Indonesian newspaper printmarket unfolded for Q.I. Press Controls' automation

dezembro 2010

A remarkable step forward for Q.I. Press Controls in Indonesian newspaper printing; this in close cooperation with the American press manufacturer Global Web Systems! Qualified full-colour newspaper communication is making progress in Indonesia, specifically in major cities like Jakarta.

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Four large Chinese dailies improve quality by Q.I. Press Controls' corporation with Goss China

dezembro 2010

 - Q.I. Press Controls strengthens its foothold in the Chinese newspaper printing industry. In close cooperation with Goss Shanghai, twelve Goss Magnum 4-high printing towers were equipped with Q.I. Press Controls’ latest generation mRC+ colour register systems with register marks in 2010.

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‘Handsfree’ ISO-certified printing with Q.I. Press Controls (at IFRA Expo 2010 stand 4.350)

agosto 2010

 - Newspapers now have to compete with glossy magazines and internet. Customers expect newspapers to present high quality, perfect colours, especially retail ‘brand-owners’ that insist on this control in their commercial messages and in addition, all at low costs. Q.I. Press Controls is the only supplier that can equip newspaper offset presses with a complete package of automated quality and contribute in keeping colours as specified and consistent throughout every production run, enabling printers to deliver a constantly perfect level of print quality. Q.I. Press Controls’ IDS closed loop colour control system, is installed on over 60 newspaper towers worldwide, also on hybrid presses.

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maio 2010

– Tanto a Feira IPEX quanto o mercado comercial do Reino Unido estão cada vez mais interessantes para a Q.I. Press Controls, especialmente após o pedido feito pela Ancient House. Eles irão equipar suas rotativas Komori System 38 com o sistema em malha fechada de cor IDS, com o Controle de Registro mRC além do Sistema de Gerenciamento de Informação (IQM). A decisão da Ancient House de substituir um sistema concorrente já existente em suas rotativas pela tecnologia da Q.I., demonstra mais que nunca seu interesse em caminhar em direção a obter benefícios tecnológicos de longo prazo em detrimento a interesses comerciais de curto prazo.

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Q.I. Press Controls supports new commercial printer in UK

maio 2010

 - For the first time in ten years a new commercial printer will make a start-up in the UK. Grapho Media based in Deeside is an independent commercial web printer which will focus on commercial, press finished and sheeted jobs. Q.I. Press Controls will support the new printer by installing their closed loop colour control solution (Intelligent Density System) and mRC+ with register marks to automatically control both colour and cut-off and ribbon register on the company’s first press, a Komori press consisting of 8 units and 2 webs.

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A degree of change for Q.I. Press Controls as Ferrostaal becomes exclusive sales agent for Australasia

abril 2010

 - James Haisman, the current Managing Director of Q.I. Press Controls Australasia, will be leaving the company at the end of May and returning to full time studies. As a consequence and as part of a review of global sales strategy, Q.I. Press Controls announces the appointment, with immediate effect, of Ferrostaal Australia Pty Ltd as its exclusive sales agent for Australia and New Zealand.

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abril 2010

 – A Gráfica Art Laser é uma gráfica localizada em uma pequena cidade próxima a Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil, e é especializada na produção de folhetos para vários clientes, incluindo muitas empresas de grande porte localizadas na região. Sua produção é de alta qualidade e, naturalmente, possuem a certificação FSC e ISO. Agora, para melhorar ainda mais sua qualidade de impressão e reduzir os números de desperdício, a Goss International Americas entrou com um pedido junto à Q.I. Press Controls para solicitar o mRC, líder de mercado com marcas de registros minúsculas. O sistema de registro Mrc+ da Q.I. Press Controls será instalado na nova impressora heatset Goss V-30 da Gráfica Art Laser e controlará automaticamente tanto o registro de cor quanto de corte.

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Q.I. Press Controls at Ipex 2010 (stand 6-D566)

março 2010

 - Although times are rough and the whole industry is facing huge challenges, it is also a time for new opportunities. Day in, day out, Q.I. Press Controls finds ways to create more intelligent, more effective, and more fruitful ways to improve press control and thus its performance, embedded with a higher sustainability factor.

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“The Tribune Trust” places second order with Q. I. Press Controls”

fevereiro 2010

 – It is a good start of 2010 for Q.I. Press Controls India: They are proud to announce a repeated order with The Tribune Trust Publications in Chandigarh, India. The Tribune Trust is North India’s leading newspaper, publishing the widely circulated and read newspapers “The Tribune”,“Dainik Tribune”, and “Punjabi Tribune”.

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